EYLF Portfolio
How would you like your Portfolios ready for the whole year?
These Portfolios tie in with my 40 weeks Early Learning Program. Simply print them off, complete and add your photos!
There is a colour version if you are fortunate to have a coloured printer. There is also a black and white version for you! You can print it A3 or A4 depending on how you like it!
Each week experiences tie in with the 40 weeks early learning program. It is a wonderful collection of early childhood memories! A beautiful encapsulation of the early years.
I will do my 2014 Portfolio A3 and Black and White to keep the cost down.
Here are my organisational tips for A3 B&W…
- This document is A3 so it can be printed on A4 and A3. This is up to you.
- I print mine on coloured card 10 weeks at a time.
- Each week corresponds with the 40 weeks program – eg. week 1 / red week 2 orange and so on…
- Photos will be printed however I like to glue photos onto a border
- My photo borders are cut from complimentary coloured card and ready to go for the term
The EYLF Portfolio is in the Starskills Club for Premium Members.