Developmental Milestones of 1-2 Year Olds
Your child can articulate himself better by saying words more clearly and naming appropriate objects like animals and people. He will demonstrate improved social skills by learning polite words and enjoying jokes. This is by no means an exhaustive overview but just a general idea of what to keep an eye out for.
- Provide opportunities to stimulate their creativity and learning by giving them crayons and paper that will encourage him to draw. This can be an early introduction for colors, shapes, numbers and letters.
What 1-2 Year Olds Can Do
Your child is already more independent and will try to climb on furniture. You will notice they also have a better understanding of objects such as using a spoon to stir, rather than just licking or banging it as previously learned. You will also observe the following:
- Can name body parts.
- Can walk with some support.
- Can understand basic conversation.
- Can empathize and share their happy feelings with you.
Likes & Dislikes of 1-2 Year Olds
- Enjoys giving and receiving a hug especially when happy and with a familiar person.
- Likes to mimic parents’ activities like talking on the phone, cleaning up and writing.
- Likes praise especially for achievements and good behavior.
Speech & Language Development of 1-2 Year Olds
Your child’s vocabulary is expanding now. Create opportunities for them to say words by making them fill in certain words to a familiar song or story that will help them with early speech. Try repeating words that would be familiar and useful to facilitate expansion of the vocabulary.
You will notice they also do the following:
- Will communicate simple things that he or she wants.
- May enjoy using a toy telephone.
- Read bedtime stories to encourage him to participate in telling certain words in the story.
Cognitive Development of 1-2 Year Olds
You will notice that your child may want special toys and have a more concentrated span in studying them. They will also start to understand simple stories and recognize picture cards or pictures in a book.
- Can show some imagination while playing.
- Will play for longer periods.
- Can start to show longer attention span when in front of the television.
- Enjoys pegs, containers, crayons, instruments and puzzles to engage his intellectual curiosities.
- Can name body parts and certain letters of the alphabet with repeated instruction.
Physical Development of 1-2 Year Olds
By this time, your baby is already walking or has started to show signs toward this. Try to provide furniture that will aid him in his walking. One tip to encourage development towards walking is to gradually space furniture that is in their way apart, which will support their progress from one distance to the next.
- Can walk with some assistance
- Can hold on to furniture while walking upright.
- Can hold big objects and make doodle marks with them.
- Can clap, point, pull, push, kick and dance to the beat of music.
Social & Emotional Development of 1-2 Year Olds
Your child is learning about the limits of his abilities and may become prone to frustration and tearfulness. Always provide reassurance and support and help him succeed by celebrating achievements.
- Enjoys pleasing you and responds to praise.
- Loves jokes and laughing.
- Starts to be possessive with his toys or can grow attached to certain objects.
- Will start to enjoy familiar social situations such as family gatherings, birthday parties.
- Likes knowing the answer and answers simple questions.
- Enjoys little milestones such as finding a solution by himself.