The BEST thing you can do for your child is READ…
We have chatted about the biggest mistake now for the BEST thing you can do! Research urges us in the right direction. We know that the development of literacy (both with reading and writing) is closely related to your child’s (o-3 years) early experiences with books and stories. This is a relatively new understanding in the development of early literacy development supported by current research.
If you have had a chance to read my EBOOK – 7 Secrets to Help Your Child Succeed you will see that the SMALL THINGS MATTER.
When it comes to early literacy the small yet “insignificant things” do matter and are the essential building blocks of early literacy – :
- Interactions with literacy materials – pens, paper, magazines, books etc.
- Experiences with books
- Early knowledge of stories
- Exploring books
- Playing with books
- Singing nursery rhymes
- Listening to stories
- Recognising words
- Scribbling
Research supports the critical role of early experiences in brain development.
- Early literacy skills develop through real life settings in which social interaction, and play with literacy materials are positively interacted with.
- Early literacy development begins from BIRTH.
- Language, reading and writing development are all linked very closely and intimately woven together.
- Early Literacy skills need to be developed naturally through positive interactions with adults and peers.
- Again early literacy is not about “teaching reading” formally to children – but rather a love for books and literacy rich experiences are all important.
What do early literacy behaviours look like?
According to Schickendanz (1999) Much More than ABC’s. There are 4 main Early Literacy behaviours that need to be developed.
- Book Handling
- Looking & Recognising
- Picture & Story Comprehension
- Story-Reading Behaviours
Practical steps to encourage early literacy skills at home
- Visit a local library on a regular basis once a week.
- Give freedom to your 0-5 year olds to handle books on a daily basis.
- Parents let your kids see you reading books.
- Talk about books and your visits to the library.
- Retell a story you read a few days prior.
- Ask questions – do you remember what story we read yesterday?
- Act out stories. Get into character and act out the story.
- Talk about images in the book. “Today we are going to the beach do you remember Spot going to the beach?”
- Don’t be afraid to be the ones giving the answers – listening is how children learn too!