Sea Theme – ABC Theme
Sea Theme – ABC Theme
The Sea theme is such a fun Summer theme to do with young children. Children will learn about a new Sea Animal each week. I have designed this so you can easily slip this theme into your Letter of the Week Program.
Sea Animals Included
Here’s a list of the sea animals included in this Sea program – Angelfish, Blowfish, Crab, Dolphin, Eel, Flashlight Fish, Golden Travalley, Hermit Crab, Indigo Violet Fish, Jellyfish, Killer Whale, Lobster, Manatee, Netted Starfish, Octopus, Parrot Fish, Quahog, Rainbow Fish, Seahorse, Turtle, Urchin, Vagabond Butterfly Fish, Walrus, X-Ray Fish, Yellow Tang Fish and Zebra Shark.
Sea Theme Resources to Download
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- Sea Theme Phonemic Awareness Cards
- Sea Theme Alphabet Posters
- Sea Letter of the Week Landscape Posters
- Sea Theme Number Cards & Posters (1-20)
- Sea Theme Clip Art
- Sea Theme Weekly Craft of the Week
- Sea Theme Morning Work
Sea Theme Phonemic Awareness Cards
Each week we focus on a Letter of the Week. My focus is not so much letter sounds but providing a solid base for phonemic awareness skills. I will introduce a new card each week and we will clap the syllables in each card. You could print off the card as a photo and have the children collect them each week. This extra practice at home is always helpful.
Sea Theme Alphabet Posters {Portrait and Landscape}
These posters can be displayed in your classroom or used as posters during mat time. One important point is to have the posters at eye level where the children can look and engage with the posters. It is very easy to have them too high. Another great idea would be to set up an “Alphabet Play Center”. Laminate these cards and introduce them on your play dough table. Have writing paper for children to copy posters. Children can match letters to the posters, do observational drawings with markers. There are many fantastic things you can do! The most important is to provide resources that children can engage in.
Sea Theme Number Cards & Posters
I try to focus on one number per week. One skill that is essential for young children is one to one correspondance. Children can place counters on the Number Poster as they count how many sea animals there are. This activity can also be included on the play dough table to reinforce this skill. I keep a set of these posters near my mat area so we can count together. We also must remember zero when counting. We practice counting forwards and backwards first to 5 then to ten as the year progresses. Each year is different and depends on the group of children you have.
Sea Theme Weekly Craft of the Week
I find it is so important to provide families with lovely keep sakes of their children’s work. Rather than taking home Art and Crafts that will go on the fridge then in the bin I find this is a great idea!! Each year I set up an ABC Art and Craft Book. It is a simple display folder with plastic sheets in it that is easily bought from an office supplies store. Each week as we focus on a Letter of the Week we will paint, stamp, collage our Letter and this will go on the left hand side. On the right we will put in our weekly Sea animal – eg. A left hand side and on the right Angelfish. We may stamp apples on our A and Angelfish. Visually this looks great! As the year progresses I will slip in other crafts into the book. This will mean we may have a few crafts for some letters. However – these crafts are in alphabetical order and a wonderful keepsake for parents.
Sea Theme Morning Work
This collection of workbooks will focus on a Letter, Number, Shape and Sea Animal. You can use these as the children arrive in the morning, as a table top activity each week or as sheets to do at home.
Sea Theme Classroom Banner
Each term I try and create a banner that can hang in my class. Here is the Banner I use when I do the Sea theme. We find our letters, count there are so many opportunities for learning! The banner I use is 3m by 1.5m. I do create smaller banners so feel free to drop me a line if you would like a banner for your classroom.
Where can I download your beautiful sea classroom banner from? It’s stunning!!!
Hi I have it in my Starskills Premium members area xx