OUTCOME 5: Children are effective communicators
5.4 Begin to understand how symbols and pattern systems work
- Participates in innovation and play involving sound patterns, vocabulary and language, e.g. invented words, songs, poems, nonsense rhyming, sentence innovation
- Participate in literacy texts which have a predictable pattern based on rhyme or rhythm, e.g. dances, chants, rhymes, jingles, songs
- Demonstrate word awareness (e.g. Jumping to represent each word in a spoken sentence such as I / can / see / a / cat)
- Recognises and suggests rhyming words
- Uses body percussion to represent the number of syllables in spoken words
- Demonstrates awareness of the initial sound in a spoken word, e.g. the sound that their name begins with
- Develops beginning knowledge of the alphabet, e.g. letters in own name
- Develops awareness of sound-symbol relationships, associating the shapes of some letters with their sounds and name
- Develop awareness of different letter forms, e.g. capital and lower case in name
- Finds numbers in the environment and talks about their purpose, e.g. on a clock, keyboard, recipe
- Recognises the difference between numerals and letters
- Counts orally forwards and backwards to 10
- When counting, knows that the last number said represents ‘how many’ (cardinal number), it does not describe the last object touched
- Uses one-to-one correspondence when counting collections (touching each item exactly once)
- Makes a set of up to 5 objects
- Able to subsidise small collections at a glance (1 – 2 items)
- Is beginning to develop an awareness of the correlation between numerals and small quantities, with teacher support
- Demonstrates early awareness of simple ABAB patterns – copying and continuing these using colours, shapes, objects, pictures, actions, etc.
- Identifies how things are the same and different
- Begins to sort, categorise, order and compare collections and events and attributes of objects and materials
- Describes and compares objects by the most obvious attribute (e.g. length, mass, area, capacity and time)
- Is developing early awareness of the names of the days of the week with teacher support
- Can name some basic 2D shapes such as square, circle, oval, triangle and rectangle
- Uses everyday language to talk about the properties of shapes (e.g. “the circle is curvy/round”)
- Notices and predicts the patterns of regular routines and the passing of time
- Engage in exploratory writing in response to written words and numerals in the environment
- Explores ideas using everyday language to talk about money in play, e.g. uses “dollars” or “cents” to refer generally to money; says “you have to pay”