Over the years I have grown in my desire to get rid of chemicals and toxins in my home, classroom and now daycare. Chemicals and toxins in products impact our health and more importantly the development of children. I have regret in not realising what I know now to be true sooner. Would you like to learn how you can ditch the toxins in your home and teaching environment? Keep reading and we can start…


Did you know?

The ingredients in some household cleaning products can cause health problems like headaches, irritation of the eyes and throat, respiratory problems, allergic reactions, and maybe even cancer.

Some product may release volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These gases come from paint, air fresheners, petrol, tobacco smoke, wood-burning stoves, and a handful of household cleaners and disinfectants. Research shows that some VOCs can irritate eyes, nose, and throat; create difficulty breathing and nausea; and cause harm to the central nervous system and other organs.

Products that can include VOCs and toxic substances include:*
Aerosol sprays
Oven and appliance cleaners
Air fresheners
Dishwashing liquid and detergent
Carpet and upholstery cleaners
*This is not a complete list.


How do you clean without toxic chemicals?

Avoiding harsh chemicals in your cleaning supplies starts with reading labels. Choose products that have few to no VOCs, fragrances, or irritants. Your best bet?

Find natural cleaning products made with plant-based formulas.


How did we start cleaning more naturally?

I started to really learn about chemicals after I had a tumour removed and skin cancer removed all in the space of a few months. I knew I wanted to live as close to nature as possible.

You can read all about it here