OUTCOME 5: Children are effective communicators

5.1   Interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes

  • Develops use of Standard Australian English and home language to communicate effectively
  • Clearly articulates developmentally appropriate vowel and consonant sounds
  • Develops a range of simple sentence structures to convey meaning
  • Establishes use of a range of vocabulary, e.g. nouns, verbs, adjectives, simple conjunctions
  • Listens and participates in conversation as appropriate to children’s cultural situation, e.g. eye contact, turn-taking
  • Communicates with peers and adults in a range of contexts, e.g. play setting, group situations, formal instruction
  • Uses language for a variety of social purposes, e.g. taking turns in conversations, expressing thinking and ideas, recounting experiences, coordinating play
  • Listens and engages in conversation related to classroom activities
  • Uses vocabulary in familiar contexts related to everyday experiences and personal interests
  • Uses specific, subject or topic-related vocabulary, e.g. mathematical or scientific terms including number, size and quantity, spatial words, categories of items such as colours, animals, body parts or food
  • Uses oral language as a tool for reflective thinking, e.g. recounting, describing, reason ing, explaining, problem-solving
  • Uses oral language as a tool for analysing and organising, e.g. sorting, describing, comparing and categorising objects and experiences
  • Respond to and generate questions
  • Communicates with known adults and peers about personal experiences

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